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Ground Control, this is Lunar Light HQ, you are now cleared to  purchase a Personal Transmission for $25 (USD) or a Business Transmission for $50 (USD) on upcoming episodes on your favorite Lunar Light Studio podcasts! 

It's a radical way to support the podcasts you love and get your information out there to the multiverse.

Personal Transmissions are a maximum of 350 characters.

Business Transmission are a maximum of 500 characters.

Choose an upcoming episode from the podcasts below:


Artificial Ghost Radio



Cryptid Keeper

Deck of Friendship!

Ending Pending

The Good Boys Girls

Mock Footage

Netflix and Kill


Snub Dub

Story Bored

Trans Questioning Podcast


Purchase a Personal Incoming Transmission $25 USD

Purchase a Professional Incoming Transmission $50 USD

The Incoming Transmissions are a fun and supportive way for our listeners to sponsor an episode of their favorite podcasts.


It should be noted that these are one-off Transmissions and will be played on an upcoming episode of one podcast. Incoming Transmissions will run on a first come first serve basis so a message cannot run more than once.


If, however, you are interested becoming a sponsor us and running a reoccurring ad spot, please do not hesitate to contact us at

If you have a time-frame, not to worry. When you purchase your Incoming Transmission, you will have a chance to let us know.

A Personal Transmission (350 characters or less) is one with no promotional or commercial aspect. Here are a few examples:


  • Saying a "Happy Day of Your Birth" to a friend or family member

  • Congratulations on a thing someone did or accomplished!

  • Letting someone know you're thinking of them.

  • An anniversary shout-out.


A Business Transmission (500 characters or less) has a promotion and/or a commercial aspect.  You might be promoting:


  • A Non-Profit.  ​

  • Kickstarter Projects!

  • A Podcast. 

  • Social Media personas, groups, or accounts.

  • A webcomic!

If your Incoming Transmission does have a promotional element, we will reach back out to you regarding what makes a Transmission Business or Personal.

We hate having to say it again, and it would be a rare occurrence, but we do reserve the right to not run a message. If we find the message questionable, offensive, or if any of our Lunar Light Studio podcast hosts feel uncomfortable reading the Incoming Transmission, we will not run it.

If your Incoming Transmission is at all political, even if we agree with your views, we will not run it. You will be notified by email and refunded in full.

If you have any questions, feel free to let us know!

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